1 - find someone to help you, you might need 2 or 3 people, to set it up properly
and learn how to do OUTBOUNDER experiments,
and if you can, do like 8 of them at least, with a variety of natural elements, and with prominent either natural elements, or structures, especially if they have some sort of recognizable positive emotional attachment to them.
here's how to do them with some video examples:
If you communicate fluently in spanish, take the EXPERIMENTO OUTBOUNDER course that ATVE is offering. It will make life a lot easier.
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2 - Betty Edwards has a book and a course called "Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain", the best one I have seen so far is a 2 hour video course, downloadable off the internet for $12.50 USD. Do that.
You can make your working tools at home, which I did, which is way cheaper, or you can buy her very expensive tools offered at the same place as the video. You should be able to make your tools and buy other things to replace hers, for less than $15 total.
She also has different editions of books with the same title if you like to see more.
ATVE will be offering a spanish language version in the future.
3 - easy, high quality, and the best bang for the buck, Dr Paul H Smith's
"Remote Perception Course"
Follow it properly, the course, don't skip ahead if you are not ready, and going over something 20 times until you got it, is just fine.
$200. USD
Dr Paul has an internet page RVIS, that has "practice targets" on it. So if you were doing one of the exercises on the video and you didn't do good,
make sure that you can learn how to repeat the process with very strict attention to detail.
Whether you got the correct answer or not, learn that structure, the format, and again, as exactly as you can get it.
Then, use those "practice targets" from that RVIS page, and keep doing the exercise, from the video until you DO get a great answer.
Just to make it perfectly clear, let's say you are practising Stage 1, and behind mystery door #4 there was a car, but you ended up describing a rabbit in your session,
then make sure you are following the correct format/structure according to the lesson on the video, and go to the extra targets at the RVIS page, and keep practising until you do describe the mystery target properly in your experiment.
Then, you are ready to continue to the next lesson, and always end on a high, by that I mean, plan your time, so that you have an extra half hour, or an extra hour, when you are going through the video lessons, just in case you need to keep trying at something, until you get it
Relaxation, and calming your thoughts, and being in a place with no distractions, for a beginner, is really important.
If you want to get more indepth in CRV, or have written documents of CRV reference manuals, here is the most recent one by Dr Paul H Smith:
continue forward with the links at the bottom of the page, until you have seen the entire manual presentation, there are many pages to it
if you would like to see older versions, including the one by Tom McNear, here is a download link for those:
ATVE will be offering a spanish language version in the future.
4 - reach out to other people that are further ahead than you, and love practicing and are really good.
They often will even accidentally give you great tips.
Trying to teach it to others, and making sure they get it properly, also is a great help in making sure that you actually have the process, format/structure down properly. You end up learning it better, by honestly trying to teach it high quality.
Sooner or later it all comes back to Ingo, so get all the videos and info you can on him and from him.
The IRVA Conference video library has lots of interesting and important videos and some great ones of Ingo speaking (2002, 2004, 2006).
Read his free on the internet "Remote Viewing the Real Story".
Buying his book "Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP" is helpful in your analysis of sessions during the learning process. Trip through his page if you like:
The Rhine Institute also offers a lot of great info and presentations on Remote Viewing.
Youtube has dozens if not hundreds of hours of great materal for Remote Viewing if you know how to separate the lame stuff from the strong true clear and correct stuff.
There are a couple of decent facebook forums where you can communicate with other Controlled Remote Viewers.
kIAU's Participation/Learning Resume
while visiting traditional Original Peoples in Mexico, I participated in some experiments, that to me demonstrated that people have psychic abilities . . . specifically telepathy, precognition/premonition, and clairvoyance
I started with Paul Elder and had phenomenal experiences in his Level 1 and Level 2 RV classes, . . . not that I was instantly great at Remote Viewing,
but that I saw and did things, that really made me wonder and start to see that there actually is something to this "psychic powers" stuff, and that I can at least have cool experiences involving them
so from that time I was practising daily at home, and of course, that is when I learned that this is all real, and I can do it, not at Paul's level, but at least every once and a while I had some cool success
and then took the Monroe Institute GATEWAY with Paul and Penny Marshall, towards trying to improve my RV level, and YES it helped
AGAIN . . . WAY worth the price of admission
then I got busy and started getting every book I could find in the public library system, and reading everything I could find on the net, and watching every video I could find
I also in 2012 gave my first free workshop, that I prepared a lot for, and then gave to 13 people in Mexico city,
I used to teach english pro in Mexico city, and schools there, taught me how to teach students become teachers.
I have MANY friends who have suffered the political repression of Mexico, including many with missing family members, so to me, it wasn't an option as to whether I would try and tell them about what I had learned
it was an imperative
the interesting thing, is that for whatever motive, they did not attend that first workshop and I ended up giving it to a bunch of other friends
then every year I would give 1 free, one day, or 6 hour, workshops, and they improved in quality little by little,
we started a 12 month project ITECH ININ TLACHIXKACHIWALIZTLI Dr Grinberg, pro bono, where over 10 of us, were learning CRV the best we could, from everything I had collected about CRV
and for me, sorry people, there IS ONLY ONE CRV, that is what Ingo and Hal developed, and the best place to learn that is with Dr Paul H Smith, that's just my personal opinion, so please don't get your feathers all ruffled up
so, while ITECH ININ was running, I started training with Paul
so, to continue the narrative, I took Lori Williams introductory Masterclass course, I believe in 2016 which of course I enjoyed, and that gave me something super valuable, it inspired me to start keeping a dream diary, that I continue today
that helped me to learn more about psychic experience and states of consciousness, and also to experience synchronicity, which occurs fairly regularly in my dreams
but for that class, and all the other videos I found on the internet, including Prudence Calabrese's and the Far Sight's complete course
2 things DID NOT happen from 2012, to 2021, when I decided to set aside one year for learning CRV as best I could with my limited resources
my level did not improve from 2012 to 2021, I tried as much as I could find, and my level, in my estimation was LOW
and I really only improved one thing in my free workshops, and that was to not teach anybody unless they were willing to do 28 practice sessions at home, alone, after the workshop, that I checked and sent back with recommendations
so of course, when that happened in 2020, I started to see better results from the students, but they also were already experienced with successful clairvoyance
but something really crazy happened in 2021, as I started learning CRV, I also found out that there were MANY , SUPER IMPORTANT things about the teaching method THAT I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT previous to trying to learn CRV
also, my stats went through the roof, my sessions are way better now, because of the CRV I am learning which has it's foundations as Ingo Swann's original CRV
I still enjoy practicing and getting better, and intend to keep on trucking at both
when my sessions are as good as David Powell's I will start publishing them
worth mentioning I took the Monroe Institute Remote Viewing Basics Virtual Retreat with Joseph McMoneagle in July 2021,
and a one day Psychic Detective introductory course with Pam Coronado in June 2021
this was part of the ITECH ININ TLACHIXKACHIWALIZTLI Dr Grinberg, to prove that missing people can be found with the help of psychic powers, and to demonstrate the method and the learning of that method
so Joseph McMoneagle's influence just recently WAS EXTREMELY VALUABLE even if during half of my practice sessions there I decided to incorporate Stage 1 CRV for gestalt practice, because I know it works, and I like it
both He and Pam gave me(us) EXCELLENT INFORMATION on how to find missing people, something that my first teacher Paul Elder is also EXCELLENT at
so I am eternally grateful to them for that
CRV 2021
it feels good to do way better sessions and know and see that you are getting better and better, and not be worried about whether the next thing will work enough
you can look at the internal mechanisms of a fine clock, and it is very obvious how it will continue to move and function in precision
CRV 2022
in January I started personal training with Dr Paul H Smith, and attended his Basic Course for CRV. I was awarded the Ingo Swann CRV Legacy Scholarship.
The course was excellent.
March 19 I participated in Dr Paul H Smith's zoom presentation of Technical Dowsing, that was offered via Pam Coronado.
ATVE (Aprovecha Tu Ventaja Extra), Latin America's best Remote Viewing school started with me and another Remote Viewer from South America. Now there are three of us (2023)
The IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) invited us to interact with Latin American people in spanish, so we committed to 2 hours a month, 8 months total, and started what is now called Domingos de Vision Remota.
It has been a really amazing experience for all involved, as was ITECH ININ TLACHIXKACHIWALIZTLI Dr Grinberg, or at least, for those that decided to participate and go the full mile
that's one of the secrets of Remote Viewing, "if you never do the experiments/sessions, you will never learn to do it"
our school ATVE offered our first official course entirely in spanish = CURSO EXPERIMENTO OUTBOUNDER
GREAT ! so far, and the students are enjoying it too
to each their own . . . it's tragic that so many might try RV and not know that there is a very simple to learn, very practical, high quality method out there, economically available to all:
(doing 8 Outbounder Experiments, Dr Paul H Smith's DVD course, then continuing with the practice targets on the RVIS page) as mentionned above, in english), or with ATVE, in spanish
Ingo Swann + Dr Hal Puthoff and their team are responsible for CRV's development.
My personal experience is that the "Ingo/Dr Hal et al =C=R=V=" is the best RV for learning, teaching, practicing and getting to a high level of proficiency at.
Feel free to communicate me via email at: